marriage of eight years between a man and his wife, has hit the rocks
with an attack by the husband saying his wife was not good in bed.
An 8-year marriage between a 32-year-old Mike Takatya, and his
24-year-old wife, Nomatter Mupawaenda, has reportedly collapsed with
vitriolic attack by the husband saying his wife was not good in bed.
The Zimbabwean woman who couldn’t hide on the s*x life with her husband, said she had been accused of being bad in bed.
“Nhai hanzvadzi makamboonawo murume anoudza mukadzi wake kuti
haunake, zvoitawo here izvozvo, munofunga ndingaitewo sei pakadaro (What
would you do if your husband tells you that you are not good in bed?)."
Speaking to H-Metro, Mike accused his wife of denying him s*x,
adding that she had been bedding her boyfriend identified only as Moyo.
“I caught them red-handed but it was dark and there are
witnesses to this issue. After I caught them I then left her in the
house and I went to stay with my parents.
“We have been married for eight years and blessed with two kids. Moyo iyeye ari kutouya mumba mangu vachitogara vese.”
According to Mike, he suspected his wife’s shenanigans after she denied him conjugal rights for almost a year.
“Airamba kuvata neni achiisa mwana pakati pedu since November
last year achiti haasi kunzwa kuda murume or ndakaneta; ukaramba
uchimunetsa ototswamwa so I ended up ndangosiya.
“At times she would go out during the night lying that she was
going to see her mother since we stay close. Our children told me that
my wife’s mother had gone to the rural areas and I followed to check on
her but she was not there.
“I looked for her everywhere I suspected but she was nowhere to
be found and on my way back I saw them with the boyfriend caressing. I
manhandled the man by the collar but he escaped, iye akasara akakumbira
ruregerero ndikazvinzwa before she lied again on the day in question.
“I had to lie to her that I was going to Glen View and she remained behind where she invited her boyfriend.
“At around 10pm hours I went back home and found the two
enjoying themselves. I knocked on the door and my wife opened the door
for me paving the way for the boyfriend who escaped instantly and I
tried chase him but all my efforts were in vain.
“She said she now loved her boyfriend; imagine I would pester her for se_x which I would get maybe once in three months.”
The woman however said she would get in love with Moyo because Mike had wrongly accused her.
“If he (Mike) wishes me to date Moyo wacho haisi problem,
ndavakutoenda ikoko ndononyatsodanana naye. Moyo is my friend and why
did Mike leave for South Africa before the issue is solved?”
She contradicted herself over the issue saying her former husband’s statements were false and malicious.
“He is liar because he has been influenced by his relatives;
it’s not the first time he has moved away from our matrimonial house
after a misunderstanding.
“Last year, he went to his parents’ house and this time he left
again and I told him to bring his relatives so that I could allow him
in the house.”