7 Reasons to Date Jeenezy Guys ~ Welcome To Jeenezy's Blog News, Sport, Relationship,& Fashion

7 Reasons to Date Jeenezy Guys

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Adebayo John
  Jeenezy Guys have been the center of controversy in recent times with many girls saying that they are the worst type of boyfriend to have. Maybe im posting this with the qualities i see in myself,

The assumption has led to the creation of various memes slandering Jeenezy member or as they are popular called, “Jeenezy gang”

Well we’re here to tell you that you should Totally date such a demon. Here’s why:

1. Jeenezy member are Swag daddies:

Jeenezy gang are the kings of swag. Even if the relationship doesn’t last, at least you can boast that you once dated a swag lady
2. He’ll improve your spiritual life:

  Jeenezy demons are guaranteed to drive you closer to God.

Whether it’s praying for your boyfriend to be faithful or praying for healing after he shatters your heart, God will be your friend and it will be all because of your resident Jeenezy demon.

3. You’ll never have a dull moment:

Depending on how high you rank on your Jeenezy guy’s chick scale, you’re bound to go on a whole bunch of parties with him.

These will make your life interesting and give you a wealth of prospective suitors to choose from when the demon eventually breaks your heart.

Just don’t choose another demon, I mean Igbo boy.

4. He’ll make you creative:

Do you know a girl who always has the deepest stuff to say about relationships, love and heartbreak? She’s probably dating or has dated a Igbo  boy.

Dating this class of guys is guaranteed to help you become a creative genius. Don’t believe me? Give it a try.

5. He’ll make you a human lie-detector:

Dating a Jeenezy boy will help you catch liars quicker because if he’s a Jeenezy demon, then lying is his middle name. Best believe it

6. He’ll help you recognize a good man when you eventually find one:

You will not be in the clutches of this demon forever, so when you’re rid of him, he’ll have shown you exactly what you DON’T want in a man

7. He might not be a demon:

Most important reason to date a Jeenezy guy is that he might not be a demon afterall. Maybe this demon business is just an unfair attempt to make otherwise decent guys look bad. Maybe, just maybe.

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