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Here Are 3 Sexual Secrets That Most Men Don’t Know About Women And S*x…
1. Women Love Good S*x!
Not just any type of s*x, but good s*x – the type that makes them
scream your name with pleasure as they get intense orgasms. The Only
Guaranteed Way Of Giving them Good S*x is to Last At least 20Min During
S*x. See How If You dont last long, then you are on your own.
Many men In Nigeria still have this ugly dumb idea that women don’t
like s*x and that as men we somehow have to ‘win s*x’ from women or do
something else (like buy gifts, go to the beach bla bla bla) before
women will have s*x with us.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
The truth is that women love s*x just like men do. The difference is
that women only like GREAT S*X and that’s where most men make a mess of
Most guys give their women lame s*x and then wonder why their women stop wanting it or CHEAT on them.
Let me tell you something. Women don’t really care who they have s*x
with. They can even go to the extend of having s*x with the driver and
the gateman if they are endowed and can satisfy them.
In order to take advantage of the fact that WOMEN LOVE S*X, be sure
to give your woman great s*x. Give her great s*x by doing the following
things (that most men don’t do).
2. Women Are Sexually Submissive.
Most men don’t realize this and they expect their women to INSTIGATE
THE S*X and take control. But this attitude frustrates and annoys women
and bores them to death.
Women are nearly always sexually submissive meaning that they want manly, masculine, sexually confident men who TAKE CONTROL and LEAD THEM in the bedroom.They do not want the average man who asks and BEGS for s*x because that’s just lame.How can you INSTIGATE THE S*X and take control When you C*M Within 2 min? You Know women Love ANACONDA Blokos and You don’t want to do anything about it.
meaning that they will give you anything and
everything you want, providing you give her everything that she wants
first. Like Getting Up For Her Any time she want it and Lasting up to 30
Min In Bed When Having s*x with them.
if you give your woman the incredible gift of vaginal
orgasms during intercourse and MULTIPLE ORGASMS every time you take her
to bed she will‘reciprocate’ and give you everything you want in
return. Guaranteed.
That’s just the way it is — shame! most men will never ‘get it’. You
know why? Because vaginal orgasms and MULTIPLE ORGASMS Will never be
possible if the man don’t last long in bed.