1.Anyone can make me happy by doing something special. But, only someone special like u can make me happy doing nothing.
2.C.L.I.C.K. means C= can’t live without u, L= love u, I= I miss u, C=
care about u, K= kiss from my heart to u so whenever u miss me just say
3.For every day I miss u, For every hour I need u, For every minute I
think about u, For every second I want u. I will Forever I love u.
4.I wish I was ur blanket, I wish I was ur bed, I wish I was ur pillow
underneath ur head, I want to be around u, I want to hold u tight, &
b the lucky person who kisses u goodnight.
5.I’m on a mission! Mission to avoid u, to forget u, to not to talk to
u, not to think about u anymore! In short… MISSION IMPOSSIBLE!
6.Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control.
7.No-one loves you… No-one cares for you… No-one misses you… No-one thinks of you… More than i do!!!
8.Once upon a time something happened 2 me. It was the sweetest thing
that cud ever b, it was a fantasy, it was a dream come true… it was the
day I met u.
9.Love is patient, luv is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast.
It’s not rude, nor self-seeking. It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, alway perseveres,love is you!
10.Ur voice is my favorite sound, your name is my favorite word, your
hugs are my favorite feeling, you smile is my favourite sight. I luv u,
your amazing!
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