An Open Letter To The Girl I Love: I'm Falling For You. (We're Made For Each Other!) ~ Welcome To Jeenezy's Blog News, Sport, Relationship,& Fashion

An Open Letter To The Girl I Love: I'm Falling For You. (We're Made For Each Other!)

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Is it my imagination or am I getting smarter? I think the glow from your electric personality must be energizing my brain as well as my heart.
I aced my statistics test on Monday--even after we were Chatting so late on Monday night. All the more surprising as your pretty texts kept coming up between my calculator and all the Addition I had to deal with!
I like to think I'm getting to know you better each time we chat, but the truth is you're still full of surprises. I didn't expect to hear that you not only studied Nursing, but you aced a movie course too! I'd really like to watch all your movies when you finish your acting. And if you need any help, I'm your man! Writing Reviews is a language I'd be happy to converse in any time.
That's the great thing about this relationship--we have so many things in common, like acting and filming (and blogging!), but each of us also has interests that are out of the other one's familiar world. This makes the time we spend together {chatting}especially interesting and helps us widen our worlds a little, too.
 And I was amazed to learn about the importance of intonation in nonnative comprehension of English. I need another lesson, though, because I still don't understand the difference between segmental and suprasegmentals!
I hope you know how much I enjoy chatting with you. My feelings for you keep growing all the time. I've run into a few girls I've gone out with a few times before (before you!), but I'm really not interested anymore. I find myself thinking only about you (and less about blogging) and not wanting to see anyone else.
I hope you're starting to feel the same way about me, too. Let's get together and love each other--please tell me that's possible I'm looking Toward to here you Onlying me and tell me you are into me too.

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